
We Have BeautiFill™: The First Laser-Based Fat Transfer Procedure

Feb 14, 2024
We Have BeautiFill™: The First Laser-Based Fat Transfer Procedure

Ever wished you could take fat from where you don’t want it and move it where you do want it? It’s not just a dream anymore. BeautiFill™, the first laser-based fat transfer procedure, offers exactly that — and it’s an all-in-one procedure.

Fat transfer can help you fine-tune your appearance, giving you both face and body benefits. At YS Aesthetics, Ben Shatil, DO, Allison Santhouse, PA-C, and our expert team chose BeautiFill, the latest leading-edge fat transfer procedure because our patients deserve the safest treatments with the best success rates and the shortest downtime.

BeautiFill is a popular topic in our Fort Lauderdale, Florida office. With all the interest and excitement around this innovative office-based treatment, we decided February is a great time to discuss BeautiFill here on the blog. Read on to learn all about it. 

What is BeautiFill?

BeautiFill combines liposuction (fat removal), fat transfer, and skin tightening. It involves laser-based fat removal where you have some to spare like the belly, hips, thighs, and buttocks. The laser heat also stimulates skin tightening and firming at the fat removal spot.

Then, your YS Aesthetics specialist places the fat into an area where you want more plumpness, firmness, and volume. 

The most common transfer sites are in the face: smile lines, under-eye hollows, and cheeks. Some parts of the body, like the breasts or buttocks, may also be good places to transfer fat, based on individual needs. 

The BeautiFill difference 

BeautiFill is a groundbreaking new fat transfer method. To understand why, you need to know a bit about traditional fat transfer. 

Traditional fat transfer is a hospital-based procedure requiring anesthesia. The multipart process involves:

  • Fat harvesting: removing a large quantity of fat 
  • Fat cleansing
  • Fat separation and concentration
  • Loading fat into a syringe
  • Fat injection

Only 20-50% of the transferred fat cells survive long-term with traditional fat transfer. 

This may be because traditional fat transfer involves removing large quantities of fat without focusing on the fat quality. Poor-quality fat is much less likely to survive the treatment and transfer process. The number of steps involved in traditional fat transfer may also play a big role. 

BeautiFill is a far more streamlined procedure. It starts with fat removal using a special temperature-sensing cannula (fat removal tool). It distributes laser heat into target fat using a 360° pattern and suctions fat cells quickly, with minimal trauma. 

The unique BeautiFill technology preserves the highest-quality fat cells, and screens lower-quality fat out. So, your YS Aesthetics specialist injects only high-quality fat, which has the highest survival rate. 

Because it’s your own tissue, the transferred fat quickly establishes a blood supply and once again becomes part of your body. This means transferred fat cells have excellent viability: a  clinical study showed a remarkable 95% survival rate of the transferred fat. 

The procedure only requires local anesthesia, and we offer BeautiFill conveniently in our YS Aesthetic office instead of a hospital setting. Plus, the downtime after BeautiFill is typically shorter than traditional fat transfer procedures.

BeautiFill provides proven results. It slims and volumizes key areas to give two amazing outcomes at once. 

Wondering if BeautiFill can help you achieve your aesthetic goals? So we can discuss your needs and goals, make customized recommendations, and help you plan your procedure, call our office, or book your consultation online now.